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3 vodovodné potrubie na teplú a studenú vodu na pitie 304 z nerezovej ocele s systémom RO

3 vodovodné potrubie na teplú a studenú vodu na pitie 304 z nerezovej ocele s systémom RO

  • prehľad
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  • súvisiace výrobky
horúci predaj chladidlo vody veľkej kapacity rozvodník teplej a studenej vody z nehrdzavejúcej ocele alkalický filter na kancelárske použitie továrenská cena

2 / 3 / 4 / 6 vodovodné kohoutky rozdeľovač vody z nehrdzavejúcej ocele na komerčné použitie

Tepelná kapacita: 10 l/h

Kapacita: 35 l/h

zásobník vody:35l

dodávka pitnej vody pre 150 osôb

veľkosť stroja:150 * 40 * 85cm

gw:38kg nw:40kg
opis výrobkov
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system details
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system factory
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system manufacture
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system manufacture
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system factory
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system supplier
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system details
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system details
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system factory
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system supplier
3 Taps commercial hot and cold direct drinking 304 stainless steel water dispenser with RO system details

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